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This journal is included in the following abstracting and indexing databases.

  • Annals of Behavioral Medicine

  • Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)

  • British Education Index

  • Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography (Ceased 2001)

  • Clarivate Analytics: Biological Abstracts

  • Contents Pages in Education

  • Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL

  • Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Database of Research on International Education

  • Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology


  • ERIC - Educational Management

  • Education Index

  • Educational Research Abstracts Online - e-Psyche

  • Exceptional Children Education Resources

  • Inist-Cnrs

  • Multicultural Education Abstracts

  • National Database of Research on International Education (NDRIE)

  • Neuroscience Citation Index

  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)

  • Research Into Higher Education Abstracts

  • Scopus

  • Social SciSearch

  • Social Services Abstracts

  • Social Work Abstracts

  • Sociological Abstracts

  • Sociology of Education Abstracts

  • Special Education Needs Abstracts

  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

  • e-Psyche (Ceased)

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